Continuing Crisis in Kenya, Doha Talks with the Taliban, and Suicide Bombings in Nigeria July 2024 | IPRI Comments

Conflict Weekly #235&236, 12 July 2024, Vol.5, No.27 & 28 An initiative by NIAS-IPRI

Israel-Hezbollah Conflict, Terror Attacks in Dagestan, and Protests in Kenya June 2024 | IPRI Comments

Conflict Weekly #234, 28 June 2024, Vol.5, No.26 An initiative by NIAS-IPRI

Ukraine Peace Summit, New Challenges to Netanyahu, and Wildfires in California June 2024 | IPRI Comments

Conflict Weekly #233, 21 June 2024, Vol.5, No.25 An initiative by NIAS-IPRI

Biden's Gaza Proposal, New US Order on Migration, and a Guilty Verdict in Hong Kong June 2024 | IPRI Comments

Conflict Weekly #231, 7 June 2024, Vol.5, No.23 An initiative by NIAS-IPRI  


IPRI Briefs

IPRI brief is a collection of working papers and research in progress contributed by young scholars. It provides a preliminary insight by the scholar in about 2000 words. It focuses on contemporary matters relating to human security, peace and conflict with special emphasis on issues concerning South Asia. This platform helps scholars explore areas in an interactive manner to help advance their research.

It is an information repository with high potential for scholars and researchers to explore newideas.IPRI brief is a platform for scholars to fine tune their initial approach and help add more value to the process of research.

For more information, kindly send an email to Prof D. Suba Chandran, at

January 2024 | IPRI Briefs

Myanmar: Ethnic Armed Organizations, China’s Mediation and Continuing Fighting

August 2023 | IPRI Briefs

Increasing Insurgency in East Africa: Major Trends and Trajectories

July 2023| IPRI Briefs

Myanmar Continues to Burn

July 2023| IPRI Briefs

Return of Violence in Manipur

May 2023| IPRI Briefs

Violence in India's Manipur: Clash of Perceptions of Marginalization and Victimhood

IPRI Comments

IPRI commentary is a collection of viewpoints and reflection on issues, contributed by young scholars.It brings together young scholars on a single platform to express their opinions in a short commentary of 1000 words. In a systematic manner, the commentary tries to answer fundamental and subject specific questions taking into account contemporary, ongoing and issues of relevance.It provides a comprehensive coverage on subject matter from experts, specialists and enthusiasts and provides readers a thorough understanding of the subject.

The commentary addressesareas concerning humanitarian crisis, regional, bilateral conflicts, radicalization and environmental issues across the globe.Scholarly inputs with valuable content makes this a worthwhile read.

For more information, kindly send an email to Prof D. Suba Chandran, at

July 2024 | IPRI Comments

Continuing Crisis in Kenya, Doha Talks with the Taliban, and Suicide Bombings in Nigeria

June 2024 | IPRI Comments

Israel-Hezbollah Conflict, Terror Attacks in Dagestan, and Protests in Kenya

June 2024| IPRI Comments

Ukraine Peace Summit, New Challenges to Netanyahu, and Wildfires in California

June 2024| IPRI Comments

Biden's Gaza Proposal, New US Order on Migration, and a Guilty Verdict in Hong Kong

May 2024| IPRI Comments

Growing International Pressure on Israel, Protests in Armenia and Elections in South Africa

Peace Lectures

May 2023

Expert Lecture

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November 2021

The US, China and International Order

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April 2021

Free Trade in Post-Pandemic: Globalisation in slow motion

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August 2020

J&K Today One year after the removal of Article 370

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November 2019

Drivers of Conflict

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October 2019

Drivers of Migration: A Global Analysis

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April 2019

Liberal Democracies & Emerging Challenges

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January 2019

Gandhi at 150, India at 70

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July 2018

Sustaining Peace

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IPRI Workshops

December 2023

IPRI Third Annual Residential Workshop

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November 2023

Conflict Weekly 200th Issue

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August 2023

NIAS IPRI Workshop

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March 2023

NIAS-ICWA Panel Discussion

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March 2023

NIAS-KAS Launch of Conflict Annual and the report on "Why Conflicts Continue"

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January 2023

Book Discussion:

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November 2022

Release of "150th Issue of Conflict Weekly"

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November 2022

“Why Conflicts Continue”

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July 2022

Conflicts in Africa & China in Africa

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July 2022

Forced Displacement: A review of UNHCR 2022 report

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April 2022

Launch of the Third Volume of NIAS-IPRI-KAS Conflict Weekly

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February 2022

IPRI: Road Map for 2022-23

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December 2021

State of Peace and Conflict in 2021

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December 2021

Europe: The Migration Crisis

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November 2021

Peace Process in Northeast and Myanmar

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September 2021

European colonial policies in Africa

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August 2021

Gandhi's concept of truth in his search for peace

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July 2021

Ethiopia, Tigray and Africa: Between a Civil War, Famine and a Regional Crisis

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June 2021

Global Politics, Young Voices

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May 2021

Jerusalem: Violence, Actors and Issues

Photo Source: BBC
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April 2021

Contemporary Sri Lanka: Two years after the Easter Sunday attacks; 50 years of the JVP

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April 2021

Book Discussion: Sri Lanka's geopolitical challenges: Conundrum of an Island

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April 2021

Afghanistan: a disrupted state in limbo

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April 2021

State of Maoist Insurgency

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April 2021

Conflict Weekly: An initiative by NIAS-IPRI & KAS-India Office

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April 2021

Sri Lanka: After UNHRC resolution 2021

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March 2021

Ten years of civil war in Syria

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March 2021

Fukushima: Ten Years Later

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March 2021

Fukushima: Ten Years Later (Panel Discussion)

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February 2021

Causes, Courses and Consequences of Coup

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February 2021

The War in Yemen: Domestic Issues, External Actors and Regional Stability

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February 2021

Gender protests against the abortion laws in Honduras, Argentina, Poland and Thailand

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June 2020

Black Lives Matter Protests

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June 2020

India – China Border Conflict

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May 2020

Hong Kong Protests: Five Factors in Perspective

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May 2020

Sri Lanka: One Year after the Easter Sunday Attacks

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December 2019

Peace Innovation and Peace Start Ups: An interaction with young scholars across South Asia

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November 2019

Inauguration of Young IPRI

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November 2019

Youth and Peace Start Ups: An Action Plan for Peace: National and Sub-Regional Perspectives

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November 2019

Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes, Authors Workshop

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December 2018

Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes, Young Scholars Workshop

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July 2018

Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes, Authors Workshop

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July 2018

Capacity Building Workshop on Armed Conflicts and Peace Processes

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