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.normal {
    text-transform: none;


<div class="container-fluid about-wrap">
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              <p class="headin-h3"> About D. Suba Chandran</p>
              <p>Prof D. Suba Chandran is currently with the International Strategic & Security Studies Porgramme (ISSSP) National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore. His primary focus areas are Pakistan, Afghanistan, Armed
Conflicts and Peace Processes in South Asia. He edits an annual titled Armed Conflicts in South Asia, published by the Routledge/SAGE. He is an Associate at the Pakistan Study Research Unit (PSRU), University of Durham, UK. Earlier, he was
a Visiting Professor at the Pakistan Studies Programme, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delh and a Visiting Fellow at the following places: Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK; ACDIS, University of Urbana-Champaign; and the
University of Jammu, J&K. </p>
              <p>He holds a PhD in international relations from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi and a MA in Political Science from Madras Christian College (MCC), Chennai. Until 2015, he was
with Director at the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), New Delhi</p>
            <div class="col-sm-4 right-list-sub-col">
                  <div class="book-heading">Op Eds &amp; other
                    Recent Publications</div>

<? /*showOnHomePage ='Yes' and*/

$sql_get_media "SELECT * FROM tbl_media  order by report_date desc  ";

$result_media mysql_query($sql_get_media) or die("Error : "mysql_error());

$num_media =mysql_num_rows($result_media);


$fetch_row_data mysql_fetch_object($result_media)){

 <li> <span class="heading-blue">D Suba Chandran,</span> <a href="<?=$fetch_row_data->reportLink?>" target="_blank">"<?=$fetch_row_data->reportTitle?>"</a>, <?=$fetch_row_data->reportText?> </li>
      <? }



        <div class="tab-pane active" id="books">
        <!--  <div class="personal-detail-col clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="left-photo-col"> <img src="images/Suba-Chandran.jpg" alt="D. Suba Chandran" title="D. Suba Chandran" class="img-responsive"> </div>
            <div class="prof-list">
              <h5>D. Suba Chandran, PhD </h5>
              <h6> Professor & Dean<br>
              International Strategic and Security Studies Programme (ISSSP) <br>
                National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)<br>
                Indian Institute of Science Campus <br>
                Bangalore-560012, INDIA </h6>
<p class="headin-h3"> Books</p>
<? $sql_book="select * from tbl_books a  where publication_type='1' group by recNo order by a.sort_order DESC ";

$num_book =mysql_num_rows($result_book);

       <?  while($rows_book mysql_fetch_object($result_book)){  $imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;

//$text=elliStr("$text", 70);
$imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;


 <?=getdatefullformat_month_year($rows_book->pu_date)?> <br>
<div class="book-heading"><span class="normal"><?=$rows_book->title?></span></div>

          <div class="row  clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="col-sm-3">
              <div class="clearfix m-b-20"> <img src="<?=DIR_FS_BOOK_BIG_IMAGES.$imageName?>" alt=""  title="" class="img-responsive" style="width:150px; height:229px;"> </div>
             <span class="book-detail-text"> <font size="2"><i><?=$rows_book->publicationDetails;?> </i></font></span> </div>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
              <p align="justify"> <?=$text?>  </p>


 <a href="<?=$rows_book->links;?>" target="_blank" class="read-more-txt">read more</a>

          <? ?>
          <div class="tab-pane active" id="essays">
       <!--   <div class="personal-detail-col clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="left-photo-col"> <img src="images/Suba-Chandran.jpg" alt="D. Suba Chandran" title="D. Suba Chandran" class="img-responsive"> </div>
            <div class="prof-list">
              <h5>D. Suba Chandran, PhD </h5>
              <h6> Professor & Dean<br>
              International Strategic and Security Studies Programme (ISSSP) <br>
                National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)<br>
                Indian Institute of Science Campus <br>
                Bangalore-560012, INDIA </h6>
          </div> -->
<p class="headin-h3"> Essays: Book Chapters/ Journal Essays/Reports/Briefs</p>
<? $sql_book="select * from tbl_books a  where publication_type='2' group by recNo order by a.sort_order DESC ";

$num_book =mysql_num_rows($result_book);

       <?  while($rows_book mysql_fetch_object($result_book)){  $imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;

//$text=elliStr("$text", 70);
$imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;


 <?=getdatefullformat_month_year($rows_book->pu_date)?> <br>
<div class="book-heading"><span class="normal"><?=$rows_book->title?></span></div>

          <div class="row  clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="col-sm-3">
              <div class="clearfix m-b-20"> <img src="<?=DIR_FS_BOOK_BIG_IMAGES.$imageName?>" alt=""  title="" class="img-responsive" > </div>
             <span class="book-detail-text"> <font size="2"><i><?=$rows_book->publicationDetails;?> </i></font></span> </div>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
              <p align="justify"> <?=$text?>  </p>


 <a href="<?=$rows_book->links;?>" target="_blank" class="read-more-txt">read more</a>

          <? ?>
     <div class="tab-pane active" id="lectures">
         <!-- <div class="personal-detail-col clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="left-photo-col"> <img src="images/Suba-Chandran.jpg" alt="D. Suba Chandran" title="D. Suba Chandran" class="img-responsive"> </div>
            <div class="prof-list">
              <h5>D. Suba Chandran, PhD </h5>
              <h6> Professor & Dean<br>
              International Strategic and Security Studies Programme (ISSSP) <br>
                National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)<br>
                Indian Institute of Science Campus <br>
                Bangalore-560012, INDIA </h6>
          </div> -->
<p class="headin-h3"> Lectures/Presentations</p>
<? $sql_book="select * from tbl_books a  where publication_type='3' group by recNo order by a.sort_order DESC ";

$num_book =mysql_num_rows($result_book);

       <?  while($rows_book mysql_fetch_object($result_book)){  $imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;

//$text=elliStr("$text", 70);
$imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;


 <?=getdatefullformat_month_year($rows_book->pu_date)?> <br>
<div class="book-heading"><span class="normal"><?=$rows_book->title?></span></div>

          <div class="row  clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="col-sm-3">
              <div class="clearfix m-b-20"> <img src="<?=DIR_FS_BOOK_BIG_IMAGES.$imageName?>" alt=""  title="" class="img-responsive" > </div>
             <span class="book-detail-text"> <font size="2"><i><?=$rows_book->publicationDetails;?> </i></font></span> </div>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
              <p align="justify"> <?=$text?>  </p>


 <a href="<?=$rows_book->links;?>" target="_blank" class="read-more-txt">read more</a>

          <? ?>
    <div class="tab-pane active" id="courses">
      <!--    <div class="personal-detail-col clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="left-photo-col"> <img src="images/Suba-Chandran.jpg" alt="D. Suba Chandran" title="D. Suba Chandran" class="img-responsive"> </div>
            <div class="prof-list">
              <h5>D. Suba Chandran, PhD </h5>
              <h6> Professor & Dean<br>
              International Strategic and Security Studies Programme (ISSSP) <br>
                National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)<br>
                Indian Institute of Science Campus <br>
                Bangalore-560012, INDIA </h6>
          </div> -->
<p class="headin-h3"> Courses</p>
<? $sql_book="select * from tbl_books a  where publication_type='4' group by recNo order by a.sort_order DESC ";

$num_book =mysql_num_rows($result_book);

       <?  while($rows_book mysql_fetch_object($result_book)){  $imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;

//$text=elliStr("$text", 70);
$imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;


 <?=getdatefullformat_month_year($rows_book->pu_date)?> <br>
<div class="book-heading"><span class="normal"><?=$rows_book->title?></span></div>

          <div class="row  clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="col-sm-3">
              <div class="clearfix m-b-20"> <img src="<?=DIR_FS_BOOK_BIG_IMAGES.$imageName?>" alt=""  title="" class="img-responsive" > </div>
             <span class="book-detail-text"> <font size="2"><i><?=$rows_book->publicationDetails;?> </i></font></span> </div>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
              <p align="justify"> <?=$text?>  </p>


 <a href="<?=$rows_book->links;?>" target="_blank" class="read-more-txt">read more</a>

          <? ?>
            <div class="tab-pane active" id="interns">
      <!--     <div class="personal-detail-col clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="left-photo-col"> <img src="images/Suba-Chandran.jpg" alt="D. Suba Chandran" title="D. Suba Chandran" class="img-responsive"> </div>
            <div class="prof-list">
              <h5>D. Suba Chandran, PhD </h5>
              <h6> Professor & Dean<br>
              International Strategic and Security Studies Programme (ISSSP) <br>
                National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)<br>
                Indian Institute of Science Campus <br>
                Bangalore-560012, INDIA </h6>
          </div> -->
<p class="headin-h3"> Interns</p>
<? $sql_book="select * from tbl_books a  where publication_type='5' group by recNo order by a.sort_order DESC ";

$num_book =mysql_num_rows($result_book);

       <?  while($rows_book mysql_fetch_object($result_book)){  $imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;

//$text=elliStr("$text", 70);
$imageName=    $rows_book->imageName;


 <?=getdatefullformat_month_year($rows_book->pu_date)?> <br>
<div class="book-heading"><span class="normal"><?=$rows_book->title?></span></div>

          <div class="row  clearfix m-b-30">
            <div class="col-sm-3">
              <div class="clearfix m-b-20"> <img src="<?=DIR_FS_BOOK_BIG_IMAGES.$imageName?>" alt=""  title="" class="img-responsive" > </div>
             <span class="book-detail-text"> <font size="2"><i><?=$rows_book->publicationDetails;?> </i></font></span> </div>
            <div class="col-sm-9">
              <p align="justify"> <?=$text?>  </p>


 <a href="<?=$rows_book->links;?>" target="_blank" class="read-more-txt">read more</a>

          <? ?>

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